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Jagandeep Saraya, PhD Candidate
(BSc Co-op Brock University (2015-2020))
Scott Sammons, PhD Candidate
(MSc University of Guelph (2018-2021))
James Robinson, MSc. Candidate
(BSc BPCH University of Guelph 2019-2023)
Michael Capperauld, MSc. Candidate
(BSc Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Trent University 2020-2024)
Nicholas Horton, MSc. Candidate
(BSc BTox University of Guelph 2020-2024)
Peter Kim, MSc. Candidate (Co-supervised with Prof. Rui Huang)
(BSc BTox University of Guelph 2020-2024)

Our group is currently recruiting motivated undergraduate and graduate students!

Please email Derek directly for more information concerning the group and research.